On 04/04/13 03:10 PM, Aaron Gray wrote:
AFAICT it does not seem to be a missing RPM level problem
There is just an ATI driver 'xorg-x11-drv-ati.i686' which is available
on F16, F17, and F18.
It is being loaded on F18 on the HP DL140 G3 with ATI Rage XL video
controller. So presumably it is either a problem with the probing being
broken, or the Rage XL driver being removed or broken.
The 'ati' driver is a bit odd; it's just a wrapper for the real drivers.
Viz the manpage:
ati is an Xorg wrapper driver for ATI video cards. It
autodetects whether your hardware has a Radeon, Rage 128, or Mach64
or earlier class of chipset, and loads the radeon(4), r128(4), or
mach64 driver as appropriate.
Though, looking at that description, I do see that 'radeon', 'r128' and
'mach64' all appear to be present in the F19 repos. 'mach64' may not be
installed by default, though - can you check if you have the
'xorg-x11-drv-mach64' package installed? If not, try installing it.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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