On 03/04/13 02:50 PM, Felix Kaechele wrote:
Adam Williamson wrote:
And please do realize your graphics adapter is well over a decade old.
ATI stopped posting official Windows drivers for it in 2002:
http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/legacy-xp.aspx .
Quoting from Wikipedia: "It was also seen on Intel motherboards, as
recently as 2004, and was still used in 2006 for server motherboards."
Well, yeah, old. But not ancient ;)
I read that too, but 'seen as recently as 2006' still counts as ancient
in my book. Especially 'for server motherboards', where kind of the
whole point is no-one gives a crap about whether the graphics work,
since they likely won't be plugged in 99.99% of the time...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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