Dne 4.4.2013 18:23, Reindl Harald napsal(a):
Am 04.04.2013 18:21, schrieb Vít Ondruch:
Dne 4.4.2013 18:11, Mattias Ellert napsal(a):
tor 2013-04-04 klockan 17:29 +0200 skrev Vít Ondruch:
Dne 4.4.2013 16:20, Miloslav Trmač napsal(a):
May be I misunderstood the thread, but wasn't this the main point since
the beginning? To prevent the "naming-with-version" exploit as is still
stated in the $SUBJECT?
It might looks like the thread would be named like "how to install
multiple versions on single package" but it was not. Clearly, there are
ways. There are even policies in place. The brainstorming was how to do
it right, but there is no will. Every steak holder just repeats how to
achieve it currently, no how to do it right.
I think you misunderstand here. I think the replies contain the current
way, not because it is the current way, but because those who reply
consider the current way to be the right way. For me the current way
makes sense and I would not like to change it.
I'd love to hear stories how somebody tried and failed. I want to see footprints of this attempts in code, in
branches of source repositories. I have seen non yet. I've just heard why not to try
so why not leave YOUR footprints there instead demand others spend
time for things which helping to make the distribution more dirty?
Reindl, thank you for the tip. I have one reading tip for you in
exchange: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_labour . Apparently,
one man cannot do everything. But if you want to pick up my duties in
Fedora, I'll be more than happy to solve this issue. Thank you.
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