On 10/9/12 12:34 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
On 10/9/12 9:18 AM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
From the list of packages this minimal set still installs, that I'd
really like to see gone:
chkconfig seems like it could have the 'alternatives' bit split off.
I've not investigated this in detail.
Took a look this morning, it appears alternatives is almost completely
orthogonal to the rest of the package. Naturally the bit that ruins
everything is translations since the locale data is all mushed together
among alternatives chkconfig and ntsysv, but that's straightforward to
detangle. (Not that I've done so.) That'd drop the size on disk from
~700k for chkconfig to probably around 400k for just alternatives. Not
a huge win, but not terrible either, and certainly Correct for a systemd
Bug filed: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=865496
Better, though, is looking at what's pulling it in, a Requires(post) in
openssh-server (actually for %triggerun and %triggerpostun, but rpm
doesn't know how to Requires for those), and in particular for upgrading
from versions of openssh-server older than what shipped in F16 Gold.
And, the scriptlets are properly immunized against /sbin/chkconfig not
existing, which means strictly we could drop the Requires(post) for it
Bug filed: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=865498
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