On 2012-09-14 7:20, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
We discussed it in FAmSCo and I also spoke with Fedora QA guys.
willing to do the testing. It's not particularly difficult. What they
would appreciate is building those ISOs for RC so that they can test
before the final release. So far, the multi-arch ISOs have been built
only for the final version.
I actually have a proposed matrix for testing the 'multi' images
(there's multi-desktop as well as multi-arch) under review ATM, it got
delayed somewhat due to the Alpha testing rush, but we'll try and get it
done for Final.
We don't absolutely need to have multi ISOs for RC - we'd only need
that if the plan is to release the multi ISOs simultaneously with the
other ISOs. Another plan that'd work just as well is to do the release
as normal and then build and test the multi ISOs just after, in the
slack week before release or whatever.
BTW, Dennis - you don't need a DL burner and DL discs to use the
multi-arch ISO, really...an 8GB (or maybe 16GB) USB stick will do just
as well ;)
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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