Re: [HEADS-UP] Rawhide: /tmp is now on tmpfs

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On 06/02/2012 03:44 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 15:57 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
it's a bad design to ask the end user about this kind of thing
during installation.
IIRC, I suggested a checkbox in the disk partitioning page, where
we're already asking the user all sorts of questions about the
filesystem layout and mount points (including putting /tmp on a
separate partition), with defaults according to some logic.  If the
user chooses a standard install, they get the default.
We would very much like to have _fewer_ checkboxes (i.e.: choice) in the
storage stage, not more. It's unmanageable as is.
This only works if defaults are 100& "fail-safe and reliable".

/tmp on tmpfs is not. It's usable as an option in some setups, but will cause mal-functions in others
=> It is not suitable as default.
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