New libtiff version in rawhide, requires dependent packages rebuild

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I have pushed libtiff 4.0.1 into rawhide, replacing libtiff 3.9.5.
This entails a library soname bump and a few small source-level
incompatibilities, as detailed at

By my count there are about a hundred dependent packages (see list
below), so to avoid breaking rawhide until everything can be rebuilt,
I have put the old 3.9.x library into a temporary subpackage
"libtiff-compat".  (We used the same trick a few months ago for libpng
and it seemed to work all right.)

I did trial rebuilds of all these packages against libtiff 4.0.1,
and found only three that appear to need any source-code changes;
though another dozen have pre-existing FTBFS problems which means
I can't tell for sure if they would build against the new libtiff.

If any of these packages are yours, please rebuild at the soonest
opportunity.  If you need advice about fixing either libtiff- or
libpng-dependent code, contact me off-list and I'll be glad to
try to help.

			regards, tom lane

adrian      fbida		pre-existing FTBFS (libpng related)
agoode      nip2		pre-existing FTBFS
agoode      openslide
agoode      vips
alexlan     mapnik
ankursinha  aeskulap
athimm      vtk			pre-existing FTBFS
awjb        WindowMaker
awjb        aterm
awjb        lcms
awjb        libAfterImage	pre-existing FTBFS (libpng related)
awjb        scribus
bpostle     enblend
bpostle     hugin
bpostle     libpano12		pre-existing FTBFS (libpng related)
bpostle     libpano13
bpostle     vigra
bruno       ocaml-camlimages
bruno       sear
chitlesh    LabPlot
chkr        gthumb
corsepiu    OpenSceneGraph	pre-existing FTBFS
corsepiu    k3d
deji        grads
deji        tracker
devrim      gdal		pre-existing FTBFS
devrim      grass
duffy       cmyktool
ellert      root
fab         gipfel
fab         vifir
fcomida     luminance-hdr
giallu      rawstudio
hobbes1069  OpenImageIO
hubbitus    ImageMagick
hubbitus    fotoxx
ixs         GraphicsMagick
jcapik      openjpeg
jcollie     spandsp
jjames      xemacs
jnovy       netpbm
jwrdegoede  DevIL
jwrdegoede  MagicPoint
jwrdegoede  adanaxisgpl
karlik      tesseract		pre-existing FTBFS
kevin       fontforge
kklic       emacs
kwizart     Pixie
kwizart     aqsis
kwizart     cinepaint
laxathom    libgdiplus		pre-existing FTBFS (libpng related)
limb        Io-language
limb        SDL_image
limb        argyllcms
lkundrak    links		pre-existing FTBFS (libpng related)
lkundrak    xteddy
madko       darktable
mclasen     gdk-pixbuf2
mclasen     gtk2
mdomsch     photoprint
mkasik      evince
mrceresa    dcmtk		pre-existing FTBFS
mtasaka     xplanet
nphilipp    gimp
nphilipp    sane-backends
nphilipp    ufraw
nphilipp    xsane
orion       paraview
orion       pslib
oron        libhocr
pghmcfc     imlib
rakesh      djvulibre
rakesh      freeimage		needs work for new libtiff
rakesh      linphone
rakesh      opencv
rathann     dx
rdieter     calligra
rhughes     gnome-color-manager
rhughes     lcms2
roma        xpaint
s4504kr     blender
s4504kr     gnustep-gui
sharkcz     podofo
sharkcz     wxGTK
spot        R
spot        evas
spot        tkimg		needs work for new libtiff
spot        xloadimage		needs work for new libtiff
steve       perl-Imager
terjeros    gle
terjeros    mtpaint
than        kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer
than        kdelibs3		pre-existing FTBFS
than        okular
than        qt
tnorth      GREYCstoration
tnorth      rawtherapee
tomh        libgxps
tsmetana    imlib2
tsmetana    pfstools
tuxbrewr    digikam
twaugh      cups
twaugh      ghostscript
volter      libgaiagraphics
volter      libgeotiff
wolfy       qfaxreader
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