Re: Fedora clean up process seems to be seriously broken...

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----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johannbg@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 3:34:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Fedora clean up process seems to be seriously broken...
> On 11/22/2011 12:49 PM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
> > Hmm, haven't this started with if you're not ready to reply to
> > every bugreport we will ban you because we don't want your
> > contribution?
> If you are referring to
> "
> Well if people want more controversial proposal of sign of live
> that's
> relatively easier to accomplish.
> Revoke that maintainers package privileges for $next-release if he
> does
> not respond to bug reports in timely manner in GA releases and orphan
> his package.
> Arguable a bit drasting but at the same time far more effective clean
> up
> process. "
> It says in timely manner...
> As I have said before the problem here is not active contributors but
> the inactive/non responsive ones so the cleanup process needs to
> identify and handle those and what's the best way to do that.

The problem here is that in my eyes there are no inactive contributors and 
there shouldn't be anything preventing people from contributing (even if it's one update per year).
While I agree that projects that FTBFS, can't be installed and etc. should be purged every release, everything
else should be out of question because the fact that someone considers something legacy 
doesn't mean that it's not usable for others. And to make it clear handling bugs is not a measure at all about activity.
So if you come with a technical list of things that make sure that a package is unusable for 100%(e.g. can't be installed because of missing dependency) of the users
 it's not a question that it should be removed, but if there is someone that signed as a maintainer and 
there is even a slight possibility that someone can use nothing more can be required from the maintainer. 
Note the usage of required, all kind of suggestions can be made and people can do additional work but everyone should do as much as he can/want/have fun to do.


> But somehow the thread winded up in the never ending debate of
> reporter
> vs maintainer which in the end both parties need work on improving
> and
> both parts are valuable contributors to the project.
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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