That was modprobe that Segv'ed, not mod_ins BobG >I managed to download and yum update this morning, however: > >When I boot: > I see lots of mod_ins segment faults. Seems to be that the arguments to >mod_ins are illformed. > >My network is not ifup after the boot. Moreover, when I do the little trick: > >/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0 > >there is a complaint that eth0 does not exist. > >if I do /sbin/ifconfig I only see the lo device. > >---- > >To get more updates, I need a network. > >What is the best way to proceed manually to bring up eth0 so I can contact >the outside world. (My inside world too - cannot contact this machine >either). > >System is i686 smp scsi ipv4 - smp538 kernel. > >BobG