On Wed, 26 May 2004, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: > Le mar, 25/05/2004 à 16:57 -0400, Matthew Miller a écrit : > > > But that's not my suggestion. I think Group has become too ugly to be > > properly saved. Applications like synaptic should instead use the comps file > > groups for organizational purposes. > > Comps is totally unsuitable since it limits you to whatever packages > where known to the distribution at the time of its release. (ie bye bye > third-party packages). Seconded, I seriously hate the idea of *having* to edit some xml file just to place a random rpm into some category. > > Like for spec file i18n we need a solution that permits standalone > self-contained packages. Anything else will sort-of work with RedHat and > be rejected by anyone else. > > Now if you want mon opinion on rpm organisation, a mix of a Keywords > in-spec field (Matches: java, games, x11) and external group > declarations (external group descriptors, including user-provided group > overlays and perhaps grouping policy files) is the way to go. Really > this is much the same problem as menu building for example. Sounds a whole lot like debtags to me :) Check out http://deb-usability.alioth.debian.org/debtags/ (I'm not familiar with how it's actually implemented in Debian but that's pretty much irrelevant) And yes I would like to have such a system in rpm as well. - Panu -