Wanted to build xdaliclock from src.rpm myself, so I ripped PLD's xdaliclock-2.20-1.src.rpm (http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/PLD/dists/ra/updates/general/i386/xdaliclock-2.20-1.i386.html) and made it build on my brand-spanking-new Fedora Core 2 install ! The modified spec file is attached (along with pld's two patches) for your rpm-building convenience. Please let me know in case this is redundant and/or if there's a better place to send this kind of thing. (is there a FC2 'extras' repository ?) Thanks, Gabriel
# FC2 spec file for xdaliclock Summary: Funky clock with morphing digits Name: xdaliclock Version: 2.20 Release: 1gls License: MIT Group: User Interface/X Source0: http://www.jwz.org/xdaliclock/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: %{name}-shape-cycle.patch Patch1: %{name}-DESTDIR.patch URL: http://www.jwz.org/xdaliclock/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel, autoconf %define _prefix /usr/X11R6 %define _mandir %{_prefix}/man %description The xdaliclock program displays a digital clock; when a digit changes, it "morphs" into its new shape. It can display in 12 or 24 hour modes, and displays the date when a mouse button is held down. It has two large fonts built into it, but it can animate other fonts. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %build cd X11 CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" %{__autoconf} %configure %{__make} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} cd X11 %{__make} install install-man DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -D XDaliClock.ad %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults/XDaliClock %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults/XDaliClock %{_mandir}/man1/* %define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`) %changelog * %{date} Gabriel L. Somlo <somlo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Changed XFree86-devel reference to xorg-x11-devel Trimmed down spec file :) Made sure package builds correctly on Fedora Core 2 Fixed "error: Package already exists: %_package debuginfo" error Removed %_{rpmcflags} from CFLAGS line -- was borking build on FC2 AppDefaults install required -D flag to create directory. * Wed Oct 15 2003 PLD Team <feedback@xxxxxxxxxx> All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld.org.pl $Log: xdaliclock.spec,v $ Revision 2003/10/15 15:42:24 kloczek - reelase 1 for Ra. Revision 1.27 2003/10/15 15:41:56 kloczek - updated to 2.20: bug fixes, - remove oudated time patch, - merge translations from KSI. Revision 1.26 2002/12/08 20:38:56 ankry - remove bogus fr Summary Revision 1.25 2002/12/08 11:53:21 blues - spelling fixes by Tomasz "Witek" Wittner <wittt_@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Revision 1.24 2002/05/21 23:15:04 kloczek perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\%\{__automake\}/; \ s/^automake -a -c -f/\%\{__automake\}/; \ s/^autoconf/\%\{__autoconf\}/" Revision 1.23 2002/02/23 05:11:00 kloczek - adapterized. Revision 1.22 2002/02/22 23:30:03 kloczek - removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating Group field using gettext). Revision 1.21 2002/01/18 02:15:28 kloczek perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\@pld.org.pl/feedback\@pld.org.pl/" Revision 1.20 2001/07/23 02:29:03 kloczek - release 8, - merge time patch from rawhide, - regenerate ac files (spec is ac 2.5x ready). Revision 1.19 2001/01/30 04:59:54 kloczek - typos in %_install. Revision 1.18 2001/01/30 04:56:53 kloczek - release 6, - added icons (based on MDK resources) and desktop file (based on Conectiva wmconfig) for xdaliclock, - spec adapterized. Revision 1.17 2000/11/12 20:11:56 kloczek - modyfications for using neew rpm automation. Revision 1.16 2000/06/09 07:55:16 kloczek - more %%{__make} macros. Revision 1.15 2000/06/09 07:24:14 kloczek - added using %%{__make} macro. Revision 1.14 2000/05/21 20:05:15 kloczek - spec adapterized. Revision 1.13 2000/04/01 11:16:00 zagrodzki - changed all BuildRoot definitons - removed all applnkdir defs - changed some prereqs/requires - removed duplicate empty lines Revision 1.12 2000/03/28 16:55:15 baggins - translated kloczkish into english Revision 1.11 2000/03/06 03:05:59 kloczek - updated to 2.18, - updated Source url and added URL. Revision 1.10 1999/09/04 09:44:01 pius - cosmetics Revision 1.9 1999/07/20 12:48:11 wiget - switch to rpm 3.0.2 Revision 1.8 1999/07/12 23:06:21 kloczek - added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them). * Thu May 20 1999 Piotr Czerwiïski <pius@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.14-1] - package is FHS 2.0 compliant, - spec file based on RH version; modified for PLD use by me and Tomasz Kïoczko <kloczek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.
--- xdaliclock-2.18/X11/digital.c.foo Tue Nov 30 16:32:40 1999 +++ xdaliclock-2.18/X11/digital.c Tue Nov 30 16:32:47 1999 @@ -1249,7 +1249,6 @@ XShapeCombineMask (dpy, window, ShapeBounding, window_offset_x, window_offset_y, pixmap, ShapeSet); - else #endif /* HAVE_SHAPE */ /* sends 28 bytes */ XCopyPlane (dpy, pixmap, window, window_draw_gc, 0, 0,
--- xdaliclock-2.20/X11/Makefile.in~ Mon Sep 8 01:48:59 2003 +++ xdaliclock-2.20/X11/Makefile.in Wed Oct 15 16:57:14 2003 @@ -78,16 +78,18 @@ install install-program: xdaliclock - $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xdaliclock $(install_prefix)$(bindir)/xdaliclock + $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) + $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xdaliclock $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xdaliclock install-man: xdaliclock.man - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/xdaliclock.man $(install_prefix)$(man1dir)/xdaliclock.1 + $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir) + $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/xdaliclock.man $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/xdaliclock.1 uninstall-program: - rm -f $(install_prefix)$(bindir)/xdaliclock + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xdaliclock uninstall-man: - rm -f $(install_prefix)$(man1dir)/xdaliclock.1 + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/xdaliclock.1 clean: -rm -f *.o a.out core xdaliclock XDaliClock_ad.h xdaliclock.hlp