I found MySQL Workbench for Linux has an bug. The bug seems to come from scintilla. I typed some CJK words in SQL Editor of MySQL Workbench. It would show the garbled codes and incorrect words. The bug does not appears on Fedora, but also on any other Linux distros, including Debian and Ubuntu. However, Windows version has not this problem. Should we report this bug to MySQL Workbench's and scintilla's developers?
I do not think MySQL Connector C++ is a problem. Before we need to upgrade mysql-workbench, the packager can upgrade mysql-connector-c++. It needs more time to do for it than other packages. But the problem should not stop our steps.
About MySQL Cluster, I found another distributions like openSUSE and Ubuntu would bundle NDB engine and normal mysql-server. If we install mysql-cluster-server, then the system will replace mysql-server. I do not think this is a good method. Mandriva provides an independent packages for mysql-cluster. It just contains NDB engine and some init script. As I see, MySQL Cluster is an independent component. It should separate from mysql-server.
Should I invite mysql's packager tgl to get into this topic?
Liang Suilong
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Chen Lei <supercyper1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2010/8/8 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I can help to review mysql-connector-c and Silvercity, howerver we may> Le 07/08/2010 19:17, Liang Suilong a écrit :
>> The first one, as we know, mysql-gui-tools has retired since Fedora 13
>> because of many bugs. MySQL Workbench will take the place of
>> mysql-gui-tools. Now MySQL Workbench 5.2.26 GA released. Could review
>> request continue? The last comments said that mysql-workbench should
>> remove two bulbed libraries. Is it OK? And Remi has packaged
>> mysql-workbench on his personal repo. I hope this tool will get into
>> Fedora repo soon.
> There is 2 "packaging" issues with the actual package on my repo.
> 1/ bundle scintilla / silvercity.
> Scintilla upstream doesn't take care of ABI and only build a static
> library (no shared lib, no soname management).
> Silvercity use (and extends) a patched version of scintilla.
> So, I think for this 2 libraries, using the bundled version is the
> solution. There is already some app, in the fedora repo which use a
> static version of scintilla.
> 2/ MySQL Connector C++
> I also have a RPM ready for this library, but Workbench doesn't use a
> stable version, but a bazaar snapshot
> 818 for 5.2.22
> 819 for 5.2.24
> 888 for 5.2.26
> I think this is really difficult to maintain (specially if other apps
> also need this lib).
> The spec files are available on :
> http://github.com/remicollet/remirepo/tree/master/mysql-connector-c%2B%2B/
> http://github.com/remicollet/remirepo/tree/master/mysql-workbench/
> If someone want to care of this reviews, and if ausil agree, I will
> submit them.
> Regards.
> --
need a approve from FESCo for bundling scintilla in silvercity.
Chen Lei
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