Re: Another great update

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On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
>> Yes, it can get confusing. I think it was Kevin Kofler who suggested to
>> talk about "feature releases" vs. "bugfix releases" instead
>> to avoid confusion.
> Again you can't cut bugfixes from features :(

Again, you can't cut regressions from features :(

To name few, your last push comes with:
- kmail that can't anymore 'Add address to book'.
- kaddressbook doesn't have 'Merge' feature anymore.
- kaddressbook View, Edit, Tools menus are empty. Probably caused by
   some clitch in configs, which i could not find. Same version
   ubuntu binaries have them populated.
- constant 'whining dialogs' from Akonadi, which probably confuse users. 
- konqueror RMB-click on tab-header doesn't open tab-menu anymore.
   Probably caused by fixing the 'rmb against page goes back in
   history' bug, being a new bug itself.

while the previous installed version did not have them. Those
are regressions that probably get fixed in coming releases, but
are real pita for people providing support and probably have
to spend time holding hands and explaining them to users.

Someone said it well:

   You take away the consumer's ability to CHOOSE themselves

by pushing features to every release. That ability is very
much what UNIX, opensource etc is all about.


You want to throw out the baby with the bathwater! - K. Kofler
Your baby is my bathwater. I don't want the OS you're building. - J. Keating
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