Re: FESCo meeting summary for 2009-06-26

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On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:

- A topic was brought up to FESCo. It was concerning an unease of an
important fraction of our members.
and I disagree with that fraction.

- You may not find it an important issue personally. But that doesn't
change the fact that there is an issue.
Actually, I disagree that it is an issue that was cause for [much] 

- As a steering committee member, you must prepare for the meetings
and try to come up with different solutions if you don't agree with a
proposal, since ignoring will only help to the growth rate of a

I had read the proposal. I didn't think it was necessary. I made an argument against it. Apparently, a quorum of fesco members agreed on that point.

This is the type of quality I expect from you and other FESCo members.
Do I expect too much?
Fedora contributors elected representatives. We evaluated what we were 
presented. We rejected the proposal. How is that NOT doing what is 
expected of us?

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