Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

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On 06/15/2009 02:36 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
  >  What CPUs do we lose that F11 supports?
  >  - Intel i586 (all)

judging by the number of 586 users who register with smolt (less than 0.1%
our entire userbase), not that big a deal.
I don't think smolt accurately tells the picture here.  Most older 
hardware in use wouldn't be a traditional install where you might have a 
chance of using smolt, but rather something special purpose, like thin 
That being said, I'm in favor i686 + SSE2.  We however need to take the 
i586 secondary arch seriously.  With i586 being a priority, this might 
help to improve processes in general for the other secondary archs?  I 
Warren Togami

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