-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Abandon "Default Desktop"
From: Casey Dahlin <cdahlin@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: MathStuf@xxxxxxxxx, Development discussions related to Fedora
Date: 04/27/2009 10:48 AM
Less than that. We can have none of the radio buttons be checked to start, and simply prevent the user from advancing with the install until they make a choice (we would of course need a radio button for "no desktop" as well).
Less than that.
Have a checkbox on the *very* first install wizard screen that reads
"Customized Install." If that's left unchecked then there should be only
one or two more wizard pages after that before it installs. If it is
checked, then it should ask you for a DE (or no DE) and all the other
advanced install options.
Instead of a checkbox you could have two buttons. "Standard Install"
(A.K.A. Default Desktop) or "Custom Install"
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