David wrote:
On 4/7/2009 3:37 PM, psmith wrote:
Adam Jackson wrote:
On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 16:24 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Michal Hlavinka wrote:
And what about
RFE: Zap after warning (
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=494528 )
They've chosen this way in opensuse - first time you press c+a+bs it
produces warning (bell) and second time it works as usual
And bonus: it uses less space than two new packages :o)
If and when the RFE's gets accepted, maybe. I wouldn't count on it.
Meanwhile, x-kit is being used by a number of other programs and useful
to have in the repository. If you have x-kit, dontzap is just a small
script. No big deal.
Please. Stop talking about xkit. We have a library for this already,
it's called pyxf86config. Writing the change to the X log is stupid if
you can also do it as a runtime XKB change, like mapping Caps Lock to
Compose like a sensible person.
The dontzap script is the wrong solution. Please stop suggesting it.
- ajax
well since the xorg devs decided to disable x zapping please suggest the
right solution?
How about trying this? 'Put it back in yourself'. ;-)
It looks like this.
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "false"
and since were supposed to be moving away from using an xorg.conf all of
us who want to be able to restart x (and believe me as good as those
xorg devs think their code is it still happens quite regularly) without
having to go to a virtual terminal etc have to regress to using one to
keep people who want to make linux like windows or those emacs users who
don't type to well happy.
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