Re: F11: xorg decision to disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace

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On 03/28/2009 08:35 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Kevin Kofler wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
They did hear it (read fedora-test list discussions on the same topic)
but the point remains that the community doesn't have one single opinion
on this topic. Trying to pitch it as a debate between some monolithic
community on one side and the maintainers on the other side is just
plain wrong. Maintainers are part of the same community as everybody else.
FWIW, maintainers also don't have a single uniform opinion. I'm a
maintainer, though not of X.Org, and I think it's a mistake to disable
Ctrl+Alt+BkSp by default.
You are just proving my point that pitching it as community vs
maintainers makes absolutely no sense because it is every individual's
opinion which is different.


In reading thru this thread I don't see an us vs them.  All I see is a 
community that has strong opinions.  Maintainers should listen to the 
community.  Forget about strong individual opinions--this thread shows 
that there is enough concern that the maintainers should respect that 
concern and at least address it thru the forums or with code.
fedora-devel-list mailing list

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