Kevin Kofler wrote:
I wrote:
But our live images are already heavily size-constrained. There's
definitely no room for multiple kernels on the KDE live image, and I don't
think the GNOME image has any room left either.
And I'll add to this that I think the real solution is to make the x86_64
image the default download and the 32-bit image a separate link (maybe
marketed primarily for netbooks). Most computers these days are 64-bit
capable. (Almost all the new non-netbook computers are.)
Most *new* (non-netbook) hardware, sure. What about existing hardware?
Both my home machines are still 32-bit (one is not even 1 GHz CPU!).
Running 32-bit
userspace on a 64-bit kernel is just a kludge, we should be promoting pure
64-bit instead.
Didn't we just have the "32-bit is actually faster" discussion? Okay,
not true for x86, but the above statement still isn't entirely accurate.
That said, I do agree that running i686 on an x86_64 is a bit silly :-).
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