Kevin Kofler wrote:
Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
FEL users will develop hardware. One of Fedora's ground rules is about
opensource and spreading the word. So with FEL, I'm trying to promote
open hardware by spreading the word. However it would be nice to
develop openhardware with opensource EDA software.
But how does shipping content which does not work without proprietary EDA
software further that goal?
How does a general question like that apply to this specific situation?
To me, it's clear that Chitlesh would like to see what is Free to be
available in Fedora, to encourage further development of what is not
Free yet.
This is most likely to go down one way or the other, or not at all;
either Chitlesh runs his own repository with the packages not accepted
in Fedora, potentially ending up with a contributor base for said
packages -completely outside Fedora, or it's not going to happen at all.
Either way, how does the "code vs. content" argument help Fedora, it's
current contributors and it's potential future contributors, in this
specific case?
Promoting proprietary software which happens to run on Fedora is not what
Fedora is about.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
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