Re: Futuer of grub/grub2 to F11

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Lyos Gemini Norezel wrote:
Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
On 12/29/2008 10:43 AM, Lyos Gemini Norezel wrote:
Casey Dahlin wrote:
Lyos Gemini Norezel wrote:
I don't see why either of those should exist entirely in /boot. You are allowed further partitions.
Where else would they be better placed?
in /dev/sda2, also known as "hidden rescue partition".

I have no desire to clutter my disk with endless numbers of partitions,
indeed. only one additional partition is enough. and guess what ? that's what numberless laptop manufacturers do in order to store a ghost-ed backup of the main partition
Most laptops (ie., Win$hit boxen) don't need a /boot or even a swap 
If you have /dev/sda1 as a /boot partition, /dev/sda2 as a /rescue 
partition, /dev/sda3 as a swap partition, /dev/sda4 becomes an 
extended partition... and /dev/sda5 winds up as your /root partition.
And? The numbers are free. I can see not wanting to have lots of 
partitions to distinguish from, but this use case doesn't strike me as 

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