Les Mikesell wrote:
David Nielsen wrote:
And for this entire issue where i made this thread for in the first
place. Don't expect me to be silent now. I will be vocal about this.
fedora has a "freedom" sign in it's logo so make that a reality!
And you remain with the freedom to change the setting manually,
create your
own spin with the setting changed by default. Your freedom however
does not
extend to throwing a hissy fit on the development list because you're
preference is not the default. We have processes for feature goals
and there
is upstream GNOME to have this debate with, both will get you input
on the
idea without pissing the rest of us off.
I used to have the browser mode activated out of habit, but now
because you
made it your mission to spam the devel list and attack developers, I
changed the setting back and you know what.. I love spatial.
Can someone who likes (even tolerates) spatial mode describe why? I'm
completely baffled as to why anyone would prefer windows left open all
over the place randomly instead of just explicitly opening ones
yourself in places where you want them. For me, it is _always_ extra
work to close the unwanted windows compared to opening the ones I want.
Well I think spatial mode can work and feel OK if Your folder's max
depth is <=2 (i.e. All pictures are in Pictures and no subdirectories).
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