On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
Another good question (related to the "will this confuse new users" part):
Will you enable the updates-testing repos from 3rd party repos in the same
step automatically? Otherwise people that use those repos will now and then
run into dependency troubles -- for example when a new xine-lib enters
updates-testing from Fedora and xine-lib-extras-nonfree enters
updates-testing from RPM Fusion at the same time.
But well, likely it doesn't matter to much anyway, as yum is still pretty
broken in such situations anyway, as mirror lags will confuse it:
Yes, that's right yum is broken b/c the mirrors are out of sync.
Just like Apache is broken when a 404 is issued. It must be apache's fault
that the data is missing or broken.
Cmon, Thorsten, your command of english is excellent, you can phrase that
a bit better.
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