Without being able to know how to solve this problem, let me say as a
enduser with only a small handful of bugs posted. I would more than
likely setup all the machines I administer (~10) to do this if there
seemed to be a quick and easy way to report breakage - and revert it.
I also know a handful of other linux users who have wondered how they
could give back, without getting so immersed in stuff they don't
understand... I told them about karma in bodhi or koji not knowing
exactly where it was, and stated basically: 'I mean you may not know
everything and may not be spending days and days helping, but every
little bit you can give back makes a difference' This would definitely
be an area where I could see more help coming from 'average' users.
Nathanael d. Noblet
Gnat Solutions, Inc
T: 403.875.4613
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