Alphonse Van Assche wrote:
Michael Cronenworth a écrit :
5. Global access
You should be able to access any and all documentation for all
software through a single window, be it X or console, without having
to open the corresponding program.
6. a common way to find documentation about a given package. Here is
what I do when I need to read docs on a given package.
1. rpm -ql pgkname
if there is a man page and/or README and/or .html and/or ... - done!
2. yum list pkgname\*
if there is sub-package named pkgname-doc - done!
3. rpm -qi pgkname
if the URL tag point to upstream web site - open firefox find the
documentation page - done!
4. fedora-cvs pkgname - hoping that I know the language used and that
the code is nicely documented ;-) - done!
5. ??
I thing that we can do something to optimize the search of documentation
of a given package. To be honest I don't have any idea on the best way
to do that - but I'm sure that we can do something better.
Yes, that approach is horrible and your example starts from the point of
already knowing the package name. We need a reasonable way for someone
to find a new package (or any package they don't know about) that would
perform some operation useful to them even if they don't have it
installed yet. Google, of course, knows everything, but even with a
carefully crafted search will usually return a lot of irrelevant results
related to other OS's or different version numbers.
Les Mikesell
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