Re: where's the wish list for F11?

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Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le vendredi 21 novembre 2008 à 12:28 +0100, Dominik 'Rathann'
Mierzejewski a écrit :
On Friday, 21 November 2008 at 11:34, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
But anyway you're invited like everyone else on the list to review,
comment on and complete the current font packaging guideline change
proposal on
It looks mostly sane (I applied some grammar and punctuation fixes, I hope
you don't mind),
Thank you for the review and the fixes, I don't mind at all, quite the
contrary, you're very welcome. Please post any remarks you may have
about the packages themselves, that's where the long-term value is.

but I don't like the naming of "rpm-fonts-filesystem". This
has nothing to do with rpm itself, hence it shouldn't look like a subpackage
of rpm. Instead, I suggest "fonts-filesystem".
I fear that by the time I had written the macros, templates, specs, wiki
pages, and all, my inspiration had quite dried out. I don't like
rpm-fonts much, but I feel fonts would be too generic a name for the
base package. If anyone has great naming ideas, I'm all ears.

But can't this be done without making an rpm package ( which may or may 
not raise legal issues).
I'm looking for something much simpler: I go buy/get a font;  I open 
fonts-filesystem/system-config-fonts/whatever ; I point it to the font ( 
Type1, TT, etc); and the font is installed.
Making an rpm package of the font first seems to make this more involved 
than it needs to be.

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