My system (i686, scsi, ipv4) is not so happy at the moment. yum update at the moment, but MAKEDEV may or may not be up2date %pre message says it cannot install because of /devfs, but bottom line message says 'Success' ?? Same messages with 'yum update dev' Version number of either MAKEDEV or dev was 3.9.1-1.i386 When the boot finally ends and I log in, I needed to manually ifup the eth0 su /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0 If I then go back to user and startx exit startx My Gnome desktop comes up, but stays up and controllable for about a minute. I was able to start Mozilla, and start creating a bug report, but then after I had almost all of the text typed, all I could move was the mouse cursor - everything else was frozen. Fortunately the code behind the power button has been nicely massaged. A single click will put the system into a graceful shutdown. Hope this email will offer some clues. BobG