On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 18:38, Aaron Bennett wrote: > I'm packaging the "Pyro" python library, from > sourceforge.net/projects/pyro, and it includes several sample scripts. > Unfortunately, one of them is called "esd." > > How should I deal with this? Unfortunately, making it not install them > at all requires a hack to pyro's setup.py; %install [...] rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{_bindir}/[not-wanted-stuff] (or use %exclude in %files) ? > installing them in a > different place is easy. Is there a fedora.us custom about installing > sample python scripts as part of python libraries? Should they go into > /usr/share/doc/python-pyro/examples? Personal opinion: is/are the script(s) really useful as anything but examples? If not, I'd install them as %doc, if yes, perhaps rename the conflicting ones to eg. pyro-esd.