Re: install Vulkan drivers by default?

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On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 1:28 PM Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It is speculation, and no I would argue it's decided by the HW team
that has to maintain the drivers and packages and not Workstation at
all, Workstation should be deciding the UX and default apps, not what
HW another team may or may not be able to support. If the Workstation
team decide to include vulkan and it crashes on a bunch of devices but
it wasn't included by the graphics team because they felt it wasn't
ready it's no fair on that team because suddenly one team had affected
another team without consultation.

I don't understand what you're getting at or asking me to do. Yes, we need to communicate with each other, of course, I'm not disputing that. Also, it seems logical to me to contact Workstation SIG about this first, because I'm not familiar with their work and perhaps this has been discussed already and there are reasons for the current state. I'd expect Workstation people to get in touch with Mesa people if needed, but of course I can play the middle-man if it makes the life easier for someone. I just need to hear a word from someone who is familiar with this area and why things are the way they are.

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