Sending this on to desktop@ list used by the Workstation WG. Probably most WG members read devel-announce, but in case not, I didn't want this to be missed... On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 10:58:27AM -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote: > Greetings. > > This friday (2016-05-13) at 16UTC we will be migrating: > > > > > to > > > > > With this migration we will be changing the workflow for > changes to these repositories from a simple commit model > to a pull request model. This means in order to make some > change you should submit a pull request, which will be reviewed > by at least one other person and then pushed live into the > repo. Initially commit on these new repos will be set to > the pagure releng group, but more people will be added as needed. > > This model will allow us to run CI tests on Pull Requests and > confirm that they are not going to cause syntax errors > or other simple breakage. Additionally, this will allow us > to properly handle changes to these repos during milestone > Freezes (getting approval for a freeze break before pushing > changes, etc). > > With the migration of the fedora-kickstarts project we will > also be trying to identify owner(s) for each kickstart file. > This will allow us to properly assign issues to the > folks that can address them. Kevin, typically our component management is done by people such as kalev, otaylor, and catanzaro. Can we include them please? -- Paul W. Frields gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - - The open source story continues to grow: -- desktop mailing list desktop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx