In order to get us going on actual development for the first iteration of the Workstation in F21, I've filed a first change request: I think this reflects the discussion around firewalls we had back in February. Feedback welcome. While writing this up, I've reviewed the default-enabled services on the current desktop spin. In general, things look pretty good to me. A few things I wondered about: - Why does cups end up running when I boot in a vm that certainly has no printer connected ? - Do we want fedora-readonly included ? This is coming from the readonly-root feature, but it is off by default, and don't think it is a tested configuration, so who knows if it works. And we're probably not going to turn it on for the Workstation - What is fedora-configure, and why is it installed ? It seems to be a complicated way of triggering 'system reconfiguration' which in this case means running a shell script as a systemd service, which in turn runs /usr/bin/firstboot. Since /usr/bin/firstboot has been replaced by anacondas initial-setup, I can only conclude that this functionality is also unused, untested and not working, and should probably be removed. Matthias -- desktop mailing list desktop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx