---------- Forwarded message ---------- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. On 4/22/10, Rahul Sundaram <metherid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Rahul > thank you for your ack. and you have at least tried to answer one question. but i find McCann's proposals too nebulous to allow serious approval (if i were in the position to approve them) first, they are based on an oxymoron: "pointless updates" a package cannot be pointless and be an update. limiting non-critical updates to once weekly. he does not specify what is meant by 'critical', how this would help, or even how this would differ from the current situation. as has been pointed out, there is no "stable release" Establish norms or rules that limit the types of changes in stable releases to ensure the releases remain stable maybe i can help here: bugfixes, new software, configuration, interface, feature add/delete... again, how "stable" can Fedora be made and not conflict with 'incubate(ing) innovative new technologies'? charles zeitler Love is the law, love under will. -- desktop mailing list desktop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop