First.. What version of Fedora Core? 1? 2? 3-T1? What hardware? A Laptop? You on a dual proc? Running a P4 maybe? Might want to (from the grub menu) hit "A" (for append) and then try a combination of these " noapic nopcmcia nofb 3" (leave the "3" in there with which ever other options you use, and you'll boot into runlevel 3 (text only)) then <ENTER> to boot. (most of this from page 31 of the new "Linux Troubleshooting Bible") That should at least help get you up and running from the command line... then use the text login (as root) to do an "up2date --nox -u" from the command line and get your system updated & patched. I've really gone to far given the amount of info you provided.. so I'll just stop there for now until you can give us a bit more to go on... Tweeks -- Fedora-desktop-list@xxxxxxxxxx