Does anybody know whats changed in the Gnome-Menu in fedora core 1?
In redhat 9 the Loki installer could create a menu entry in the games menu.
The Loki installer makes this file:
/etc/X11/applnk/Games/et.desktop It looks like this: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=enemy-territory Comment= Exec=/usr/local/games/enemy-territory/et Icon=/usr/local/games/enemy-territory/ET.xpm Terminal=0 Type=Application Categories=Application;Games;X-Red-Hat-Base;
In Fedora test 2 the entry was not created, but could be corrected by deleting the line:
Categories=Application;Games;X-Red-Hat-Base; and the icon shows properly in the Games menu in the Gnome-start menu. In Fedora Core 1 nothing works. It doesent help to delete the line in /etc/X11/applnk/Games/et.desktop What have been changed in Fedora and in the Gnome menu? Is it a bug, or with purpose? Btw, it is a problem in a lot of games using the loki installer...
Regards Bjorn Andersen Linux. Because making UNIX user friendly is easier then debugging Windows |