Tim Waugh a écrit :
One thing I'd like to get done for Fedora Core 2 is the ability for
redhat-config-printer to accept a manufacturer's PPD file and just use
it. It is incredibly easy to configure CUPS for this.
The trouble is that redhat-config-printer doesn't just configure CUPS,
it manipulates an alchemist database and then a different program
writes the alchemist data out as CUPS configuration files.
The original reason for using alchemist is, I think, no longer valid.
The idea was that it would be nice to be able to 'roll out' a printer
configuration to a whole lot of computers. CUPS browsing makes this
redundant IMHO (I'd love to hear opinions on that).
Ideally we could just dump alchemist and let redhat-config-printer
configure CUPS directly. Unfortunately that would mean re-writing a
lot of code -- in fact, just about all of it.
The alternative is to find a replacement for redhat-config-printer
that *does* configure CUPS directly, and there are several candidates
I think.
Why don't you use http://localhost:631 ? It works for me (fedora upgrade from RH7.3).