I was given a couple of old half dead solar panels, this meant I could run that little Dell laptop for about 6 hours a day if I was just reading a book, but only for about 2 hours if I was editing photos. I had no car, if I felt like socialising I'd walk 13 kilometres to the pub. My nearest neighbour was 3 kilometres away.
And Australia does something a little bit different to most other countries, we don't have unemployment insurance, we have a government sponsored unemployment plan and I get paid "the dole" out of tax payer's money. It's not a lot, enough to buy some food and a few simples, but it has a massive impact on crime rates during periods of high unemployment.
And when you live in the bush there is nowhere to spend that money, if you don't hunt you starve, so eventually there's enough money sitting there to buy a computer, or another lens.
Cheers, Andrew.
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