It is on time to start thinking on the next Fedora release and how it shall be visual represented.
We always had until board disabled the code names a brainstorm session to find out how the name could be visualized.
Well we found solutions for F20 with the roman XX, we found one for F21 with the phoenix design and used the bg from the flavors as the one for F22
As you can see it gets harder for us to come up with something, we definitely have to come together again and make a brainstorming what F23 could be look visual. That was topic in yesterdays meeting and we did think that wednesday June 10th would be the ideal date for it, the time will be the same as for the regular meetings of Design Team 6pm UTC.
I have one idea in mind but we still have one week to get some ideas, which we can develop in the meeting then
br gnokii
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