The Color Hug discussion sounds interesting and might be worth putting
somewhere, as I hadn't heard about this before now. An FAQ about color
profiling linked from the browser in the spin?
gnokki, could you please send me a link for your monitor profiling
tutorial, I'd like to read/review it for my own education.
Luya - is there somewhere like a wiki page you want to use to document
the ideas and links? If not we can create something in the Fedora wiki,
perhaps under the Design Team's page?
On 08/15/2013 12:00 AM, S.Kemter wrote:
We should keep the space on the DVD for software, there is a lot what
is not packaged yet. For tutorials there would be a bookmark in the
browser better. Might be a good idea to do a collecting page with the
tutorials that are done from the design team.
Not only colorhug works out of the box, but I would stay away from
suggesting it. A designer who knows about color profiling has already
another device (which work also out of the box). The difference
between colorhug and his device is only that colorhug is open
hardware, but each medal has two sides, so I can have a hug with its
problems in red tones or a proprietary device which has no problems.
Colorhug is more for beginners, to get a cheap and open device. I do
know a lot of ppl who bought one, even they dont know what to do with
it example hheigl. I did also a tutorial and video how to profiling ur
monitor. But there is a but the user should be in need for it and then
he will already know more things about CM otherwise u produce to many
failures in profiling and u will not get used to CM.
br gnokii
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