Re: Link for official F9 theme proposal

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Ubuntu is boring. So popular, so it's boring.
Some day when you say Linux people will answer "Ubuntu" - that stupid
with Ubuntu.


Keeping same theme for few releases is stupid in my opinion.
openSUSE changes theme from release to release and always theme is

We should follow.

Also, what in my opinion is great, they use Splashy.
But Splashy doesn't allow to back from verbose to silent mode, as RHGB
does :| .

Dnia 12-12-2007, śro o godzinie 20:12 +0100, Uno Engborg pisze:
> David Nielsen skrev:
> > Em Qua, 2007-12-12 às 07:33 +0100, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek escreveu:
> >   
> >> Freedom? I think best symbol of freedom is pidgeon or statue of liberty
> >> (or something like that).
> >>
> >> Maybe an city, like New York, the liberty statue and a pidgeon flying
> >> over :] ?
> >>     
> >
> > That would be a downright insulting display of american nationalistic
> > pride to plenty of people.
> >
> > We really need to select culturally neutral images, I for one, really
> > like what we have in Fedora 8 and I would like to suggest keeping and
> > working on perfecting it instead of replacing the artwork every 6 months
> > entirely.
> >
> > - David
> >   
> Yes, I really agree on both your statements.  The Fedora 8  theme is the
> first theme that have looked really professional in a long time. Lets keep
> it and maybe polish it slightly.
> Keeping the same theme for several releases will also help to build the 
> brand.
> A Rolls Royce model doesn't change appearance from one year to the next.
> They don't need to as they sell a quality product, and it is good that 
> people
> recognize it.  The same should go for Fedora. Ubuntu have tried it, and 
> it seam
> to work for them.
> The Fedora 8 theme would be a very good base for such a long lasting theme
> as it is very neutral and businesslike.
> Regards
> Uno Engborg
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