Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
Matthias Clasen wrote:
I've used Charlies script and included svgs in yesterdays echo snapshot.
Please give it a try.
Fedora-art-list mailing list
It work well. I wish the script allows the ability to directly save the
modification instead of the copy and paste. Idon't know much about perl
I've included the updated version that does this. I generally use pipes
and a bash line script which makes copies (because there are often
accidents overwriting originals).
You could do something like this:
mkdir done;
for SVG in *.svg; do cat "$SVG" | > "done/$SVG" ; done;
But the new version will accept command line filename arguments which
will be overwritten.
e.g. *.svg
use XML::Twig;
if (!@ARGV) {
@ARGV = "-";
foreach (@ARGV) {
my $twig=XML::Twig->new(twig_handlers => {
'i:pgf' => sub {
if ($_->{'att'}->{'id'} eq 'adobe_illustrator_pgf'){
'i:pgfRef' => sub {
'x:xmpmeta' => sub {
); # create the twig
$twig->parsefile($_); # build it
open OUTFILE, "> $_" or die "Can't open $_ : $!";
$twig->flush (\*OUTFILE); # output the twig
close OUTFILE;
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