On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Neil Brown wrote:
On Monday June 26, dzila@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
This is what I get now, after creating with fdisk /dev/hdb1 and
/dev/hdc1 as linux raid autodetect partitions
So I'm totally confused now.
You said it was 'linear', but the boot log showed 'raid0'.
You aire absolutely right. Me bad
The drives didn't have a partition table on them, yet it is clear from
the old boot log that the did. Are you sure they are the same drives,
'cause it doesn't seem like it.
That's the root of my problem...when I moved the disks to the new
system the disks showed up as unpartitioned.
You could try hunting for ext3 superblocks on the device. There might
be an easier way but
od -x /dev/hdb | grep '^.....60 .... .... .... .... ef53 '
should find them. Once you have this information we might be able to
make something work. But I feel the chances are dwindling.
Me too. In any case the data was not that critical, so I will play
around a little more before I give up.
Thank you all for your help:)
Dimitris Zilaskos
Department of Physics @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece
PGP key : http://tassadar.physics.auth.gr/~dzila/pgp_public_key.asc
MD5sum : de2bd8f73d545f0e4caf3096894ad83f pgp_public_key.asc