I had a scientific linux 3.0.4 system (rhel compatible), with 3
ide disks, one for / and two others in linear raid (250 gb and 300 gb
This system was obsoleted so i move the raid disks to a new
scientific linux 3.0.7 installation. However, the raid array was not
detected ( I put the disks on the same channels and same master/lsave
setup as in the previous setup). In fact fdisk reports that the disks are
not partitioned.
I had around 70 gb data on that array I would like to recover. I
used dd on the disks and strings on the resulting file. The data is there
but fsck complains about superblocks and fails.
Recommentations on how to proceed are greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Dimitris Zilaskos
Department of Physics @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece
PGP key : http://tassadar.physics.auth.gr/~dzila/pgp_public_key.asc
MD5sum : de2bd8f73d545f0e4caf3096894ad83f pgp_public_key.asc