> >This is because parted is using an old version of the ext2resize >library. If you use ext2resize instead of parted (after resizing the >partition) then it will not have this problem. Andreas, I appreciate the reply, but I'm not following your comments above. I was using parted to *do* the resize at the suggestion of others. What would be the procedure to get this done? Thanks, Dan >Cheers, Andreas >-- >Andreas Dilger \ "If a man ate a pound of pasta and a pound of antipasto, > \ would they cancel out, leaving him still hungry?" >http://www-mddsp.enel.ucalgary.ca/People/adilger/ -- Dogbert -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Crowson | dcrowson@cmsc.com CMS Communications, Inc. | dcrowson@crowson.com 715 Goddard Ave | http://crowson.com Chesterfield MO 63005 | http://www.cmsc.com | ICQ # 9379860 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------