[Fwd: Part 2: the RAW Facts on Filesystems]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Part 2: the RAW Facts on Filesystems
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:16:45 -0600
From: "Mike Chambers" <mike@netlyncs.com>
Reply-To: enigma-list@redhat.com
To: "RedHat - Enigma" <enigma-list@redhat.com>

"[...] Once again, the ext3 filesystem is the clear winner for database
creation, loading and indexing. And once again the Reiser filesystem
came in last, choking on the index builds. As with the AS3AP 
benchmark results, all the cooked filesystems had roughly the 
same performance for the transactional portions of the TPC-C benchmark.

Even the RAW device scenario with twice the memory allocation could
not compete. In fact, the improvement was so slight as to essentially 
scare me away from RAW devices on any Linux database project for the 
foreseeable future.

Based upon the TPC-C benchmark results, one should choose the ext3 filesystem.

In closing, it's very reassuring when multiple, different natured 
industry standard benchmarks yield similar results. In case you're 
wondering, I obtained similar results with Benchmark Factory's other 
half dozen or so database benchmarks. ext3 it is."


Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

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