After a (hardware) crash yesterday, I was unable to boot up due to unrecoverable ide errors (according to the printk()s) when accessing the root filesystem's journal for recovery. Unable to recover, I tried deleting the has_journal option, but that was disallowed given that the needs_recovery flag was set. I saw no way to unset that flag. Unable to access the backups (they were on a fw drive), I was able to dump the unrecovered filesystem, mke2fs and restore. (And then had to dl a new rescue floppy so that I could boot with the recovered fs as root in order to get lilo(8) or grub(8) to run. But that is a different issue.) So I'm back to a un-journaled root for the moment (at least it is small). Was dump/mkfs/restore the only option in such a case, or is there a way to mount the fs w/o recovering the journal? Simply ignoring the journal, as the dump/mkfs/restore did, is better than an unbootable box. Or was the solution I ended up with the only way out? -JimC