On Aug 12, 2002 12:50 -0400, Juan Pablo Abuyeres wrote: > ------------------------------ > final: > > - 2.4.19-rc5 was released as 2.4.19 with no changes. > ------------------------------ > > and I guess before 2.4.19-rc5 there must have been a > 2.4.19-rc4-ac<something>.patch, so I'm using the "latest" -ac. > > Maybe I would have to use some specific version of -ac patch for 2.4.18 > and not one version above that... You are confused. Since Alan Cox is not maintaining the 2.4 kernel, there is not necessarily any connection between -ac patches and what is in the "stock" (Marcello) kernel. There are lots of things in the -ac kernels which do not go into stock kernels right away, and some do not go into stock kernels ever. Cheers, Andreas -- Andreas Dilger http://www-mddsp.enel.ucalgary.ca/People/adilger/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2resize/