>From ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/ChangeLog-2.4.19 ------------------------------ final: - 2.4.19-rc5 was released as 2.4.19 with no changes. ------------------------------ and I guess before 2.4.19-rc5 there must have been a 2.4.19-rc4-ac<something>.patch, so I'm using the "latest" -ac. Maybe I would have to use some specific version of -ac patch for 2.4.18 and not one version above that... On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 12:22, Andreas Dilger wrote: > On Aug 12, 2002 10:28 -0400, Juan Pablo Abuyeres wrote: > > I was trying to use ext3 with quota and 2.4.18, but when the system had > > sustained load, eventually the system fell on deadlock. By that time, I > > was told to use the latest -ac patch, and maybe the problem would no > > longer exist. But instead I went back to ext2 and waited for 2.4.19 to > > come out. Now I tryed 2.4.19 with ext3 and all the same thing, but the > > system hanged up again. > > Well, the -ac patch has lots of fixes to the quota code, and I'm not > sure if those fixes have made it into the stock 2.4.19 kernel. I would > listen to the advice you were given and try the latest -ac patch. > > Cheers, Andreas > -- > Andreas Dilger > http://www-mddsp.enel.ucalgary.ca/People/adilger/ > http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2resize/ > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Ext3-users@redhat.com > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/ext3-users