Re: [PATCH 02/83] drm/radeon: reduce number of free VMIDs and pipes in KV

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Am 11.07.2014 18:22, schrieb Alex Deucher:
On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Christian König
<christian.koenig@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Am 11.07.2014 18:05, schrieb Jerome Glisse:

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:50:02AM +0300, Oded Gabbay wrote:
To support HSA on KV, we need to limit the number of vmids and pipes
that are available for radeon's use with KV.

This patch reserves VMIDs 8-15 for KFD (so radeon can only use VMIDs
0-7) and also makes radeon thinks that KV has only a single MEC with a
pipe in it

Signed-off-by: Oded Gabbay <oded.gabbay@xxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Jérôme Glisse <jglisse@xxxxxxxxxx>
At least fro the VMIDs on demand allocation should be trivial to implement,
so I would rather prefer this instead of a fixed assignment.
IIRC, the way the CP hw scheduler works you have to give it a range of
vmids and it assigns them dynamically as queues are mapped so
effectively they are potentially in use once the CP scheduler is set
That's not what I meant. Changing it completely on the fly is nice to 
have, but we should at least make it configurable as a module parameter.
And even if we hardcode it we should use a define for it somewhere 
instead of hardcoding 8 VMIDs on the KGD side and 8 VMIDs on KFD side 
without any relation to each other.



   drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/cik.c | 48
   1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/cik.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/cik.c
index 4bfc2c0..e0c8052 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/cik.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/cik.c
@@ -4662,12 +4662,11 @@ static int cik_mec_init(struct radeon_device
          * KV:    2 MEC, 4 Pipes/MEC, 8 Queues/Pipe - 64 Queues total
          * CI/KB: 1 MEC, 4 Pipes/MEC, 8 Queues/Pipe - 32 Queues total
+        * Nonetheless, we assign only 1 pipe because all other pipes
+        * be handled by KFD
-       if (rdev->family == CHIP_KAVERI)
-               rdev->mec.num_mec = 2;
-       else
-               rdev->mec.num_mec = 1;
-       rdev->mec.num_pipe = 4;
+       rdev->mec.num_mec = 1;
+       rdev->mec.num_pipe = 1;
         rdev->mec.num_queue = rdev->mec.num_mec * rdev->mec.num_pipe * 8;
         if (rdev->mec.hpd_eop_obj == NULL) {
@@ -4809,28 +4808,24 @@ static int cik_cp_compute_resume(struct
radeon_device *rdev)
         /* init the pipes */
-       for (i = 0; i < (rdev->mec.num_pipe * rdev->mec.num_mec); i++) {
-               int me = (i < 4) ? 1 : 2;
-               int pipe = (i < 4) ? i : (i - 4);
   -             eop_gpu_addr = rdev->mec.hpd_eop_gpu_addr + (i *
+       eop_gpu_addr = rdev->mec.hpd_eop_gpu_addr;
   -             cik_srbm_select(rdev, me, pipe, 0, 0);
+       cik_srbm_select(rdev, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   -             /* write the EOP addr */
-               WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_BASE_ADDR, eop_gpu_addr >> 8);
-               WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_BASE_ADDR_HI,
upper_32_bits(eop_gpu_addr) >> 8);
+       /* write the EOP addr */
+       WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_BASE_ADDR, eop_gpu_addr >> 8);
+       WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_BASE_ADDR_HI, upper_32_bits(eop_gpu_addr) >>
   -             /* set the VMID assigned */
-               WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_VMID, 0);
+       /* set the VMID assigned */
+       WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_VMID, 0);
+       /* set the EOP size, register value is 2^(EOP_SIZE+1) dwords */
+       tmp = RREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_CONTROL);
+       tmp &= ~EOP_SIZE_MASK;
+       tmp |= order_base_2(MEC_HPD_SIZE / 8);
+       WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_CONTROL, tmp);
   -             /* set the EOP size, register value is 2^(EOP_SIZE+1)
dwords */
-               tmp = RREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_CONTROL);
-               tmp &= ~EOP_SIZE_MASK;
-               tmp |= order_base_2(MEC_HPD_SIZE / 8);
-               WREG32(CP_HPD_EOP_CONTROL, tmp);
-       }
-       cik_srbm_select(rdev, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         /* init the queues.  Just two for now. */
@@ -5876,8 +5871,13 @@ int cik_ib_parse(struct radeon_device *rdev,
struct radeon_ib *ib)
   int cik_vm_init(struct radeon_device *rdev)
-       /* number of VMs */
-       rdev->vm_manager.nvm = 16;
+       /*
+        * number of VMs
+        * VMID 0 is reserved for Graphics
+        * radeon compute will use VMIDs 1-7
+        * KFD will use VMIDs 8-15
+        */
+       rdev->vm_manager.nvm = 8;
         /* base offset of vram pages */
         if (rdev->flags & RADEON_IS_IGP) {
                 u64 tmp = RREG32(MC_VM_FB_OFFSET);

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