Re: [PATCH v2 4/6] dt-bindings: gpu: v3d: Add SMS to the registers' list

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On 10/03/2025 21:07, Maíra Canal wrote:
>  From my understanding, I'm keeping the ABI preserved, as brcm,7268-v3d
> needs to have a GCA register (otherwise, you won't be able to flush the
> cache) and brcm,2711-v3d doesn't even have this piece of hardware.
> I understand that now I'm imposing per-compatible restrictions that
> didn't exist in the spec, but the new restrictions are compatible to the
> hardware specification. I'd like to understand if I can:
> 1. Use two register items (gca and sms) to preserve the semantics of the
> register names.

Sure, that's fine.

> 2. Can I add per-compatible restrictions to the DT even if the original
> bindings didn't do it? If not, can I just add a new register to the
> register list? Like:

Yes, constraints are expected and it does not matter that original
binding forgot them.

>     reg-names:
>       items:
>         - const: hub
>         - const: core0
> -      - enum: [ bridge, gca ]
> -      - enum: [ bridge, gca ]
> +      - enum: [ bridge, gca, sms ]
> +      - enum: [ bridge, gca, sms ]
> +      - enum: [ bridge, gca, sms ]

This does not look right, because there is no device from your
description which has 5 items.

Best regards,

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