Re: [RFC 0/1] drm/mm: Introduce address space shifting

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There was no NACK, and no further questions/comments for a month.

From that, we conclude that the proposed change is considered acceptable.

In case anyone disagrees, please respond now.

We are starting work on a series which will use the proposed drm_mm function.


On 04.02.2025 23:41, Tomasz Lis wrote:
This RFC asks for introduction of an interface which allows to shift
a range managed by drm_mm instance without repeating the node list

The long explanation:

Single Root I/O Virtualization is becoming a standard GFX feature
in server environments. Virtual Machines provided with direct access
to virtualized GFX hardware, in form of VFs, need to support the
standard set of features expected by Virtual Machine Managers.
These standard features include ability to save the VM state, and
later restore the VM, possibly on another machine with different
setup. For the restore to succeed, the GFX hardware model must match;
but for its configuration, some differences are often allowed. Such
alterations may include a different range of non-virtualized
resources assigned to the VF, including global address spaces.

If any non-virtualized address space is saved, as part of VM state,
on one machine and restored on another, it may happen that the target
range differs from source range. To shift the address space,
currently creating a new drm_mm object is required, and moving all
nodes to the new object while adding the shift.

GFX hardware handled by Xe driver contains Global Graphics
Translation Table, which is an example of such non-virtualized
resource. Should this interface change be accepted, a series which
utilizes this interface in Xe driver will be prepared.

Signed-off-by: Tomasz Lis <tomasz.lis@xxxxxxxxx>

Tomasz Lis (1):
   drm_mm: Introduce address space shifting

  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_mm.c | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  include/drm/drm_mm.h     |  1 +
  2 files changed, 25 insertions(+)

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